Sunday, September 20, 2009

Taming the Beast

If the fiscal conservative faction of the GOP ever needed the perfect moment to regain control of the direction of the party, this time is that moment. The Democrats have shot themselves in the foot once again, and presented us with the perfect opportunity to regain a footing in the American political arena. Unfortunately, not much in terms of policy, seems to be emanating from the aisles on the right. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am telling you nay saying will get the movement and our message nowhere. There is more to do than raising the 'No' vote to Obamacare. The policies of the fiscal conservative movement are the only reasonable methods to address the federal budget problems of the past 21 years, and hedge the damage that the current Administration is pushing through. This country is in need of a Reagan Revolution. Newt Gingrich has been pushing for a return to fiscal conservative principles within the party and I suggest we listen.

Economic Musts:

Emphasize role of free market in all policy decision making to foster economic prosperity.

Favor laissez-faire free markets; economic liberty (not social); fiscal conservatism; and personal responsibility.

Advocate supply-side economics.

Party Musts:

pandering for votes from groups that have nothing but harmed the GOP image since 1988. The Republican Party has always been the minority party in terms of the porportion of voters who identify as such. We need to stop competing for votes by selling out our platform and just sell our policies. Our policies will sell themselves. What has had and continues to hurt the movement, is allowing certain groups from the fringes of the right to effect our image and policy. The religious right has helped to destroy almost every amount of respectability this party has with the mainstream of this country. These people are nothing but doomsdayists, bigots, racists, and quite honestly not very intelligent. Now, I believe in God, but the economic policies that made the GOP and America great under Reagan were secular in nature, and that is the way it should always remain. ----I should qualify 'religious right'; I am speaking of the Pat Robertson, moral majority type. The faction that wants Christian doctrine (at least their view of it) enforced as law on the nation. I am not speaking of religious people who happen to be on the right.----

The reason the Democrats continually collapse shortly after taking control is the result of pandering and over extending their platform to get votes. They make too many promises and owe too many favors to groups that are inconsistent with their platform. We need to stick to our messege and not waiver by cheapening what we advocate.

The Policies that work:

1) Call for a large reduction in government spending
-- I do not advocate cutting all the fed does. However, we need to start by addressing the inefficiencies and administrative costs of the bureaucracy system.

2) Lower Taxes (sorry Bush, I like you but you can't cut taxes and not reduce spending...that always leads to...yes, a deficit)
-- Again this only works if we cut spending.

3) We must Balance the Budget
-- In 2008, the federal revenues were about $2.524 trillion and the federal expenditures were about $2.978 trillion. If you call yourself a conservative this has to be unacceptable. Personal responsibility must be advocated to not only the citizen but the federal budget, as well.

4) Focus on Deficit Reduction
-- Now with the addition of President Obama's spend-a-thon, Reduction is cleary out of mind. This needs to be a focus of the 2010 campaign.

5) Begin Paying of the National Debt
-- As of 31 December 2008 our external Debt was at $13.64 trillion. If we want to remain the global hegemon this must be paid down NOW.

6) Advocate and Implement Free Trade (not Fair Trade...if you can't compete...too bad) FREE TRADE
-- currently, this country only exports $1.291 trillion compared to importing $2.112 trillion. This is a serious problem we must remedy.

7) AND favor LESS regulation of the Economy

This platform is needed...Our time is now...This is our rallying point.