Thursday, September 17, 2009

The GOP: The way it once was and the way it has to be again.

No matter how loyal a Republican you are, one must admit our Party and movement is in need of a drastic image revival. Since, the fall of communism the party has slowly lost its free market-less government ideology. That is the ideology I would love to see control the GOP again. I hear the critiques of Reagan and the policies of the GOP from the left. You lefties are usually right, on appearances we were not 'fiscally conservative' nor for 'small government.' With that said though you are completely wrong and missed the real reason for why we did anything during that time. Learn your history and your political science and it is pretty easy to see. If you are still on the left after an objective historical critique of the policies of the time than I would love to discuss this with you. But if you are still on the left and still believe the reasons sold to the masses for why the government acts the way it does sometimes, well...maybe you should go color in the corner with the other kids. Now, I am going to continue my piece and attempt to offer a 'real' conservative critique of the times, as well as combat common liberal criticism of the greatest President this country has least in the past one-hundred years. I hope you all enjoy. (Please note this is a historical/political critique, I am using objective reasoning, so please respond likewise).

ATTENTION LIBERALS: At this point, the common response from the left is 1) Reagan had a $200 Billion budget deficit, 2) the expansion of the Fed under Reagan was far from 'little government ideology, and 3) The War on Drugs was a complete expansion of Federal control and a dismal failure. That's fair, but please recognize the global situation at the time. WE HAD TO WIN THE COLD WAR. It was a war for economic control and influence of the world. To the winner, Alpha Status over all the rest. Reagan's policies of securing free market proxies to buffer the influence of Communism, the expansion of the military, the promotion of American business through global expansion, and the resulting increase in Federal spending, was promoted by Reagan and the Fiscal Cons in complete synchronous harmony to ensure that Capitalism and Democracy won the War against Economic Centralization and Communism. To the winner literally went the world, relatively complete economic hegemony for the next generation. To me the cost is immaterial when compared to the alternative.

I have to ask all liberals, Dems, Social-Cons, Libertarians, Hippies, & and ignorant college kids with inflated unsupported opinions; Do you really believe that the 'War on Drugs' was a moral altruistic battle to fight the evils of drugs and addiction? Likewise, do you believe that all the Wars we fight are just or unjust, moral or immoral, based on some subjective higher calling for America to intervene and help the weak and oppressed? If so, WOW! There always exists the subjective reasons for 'why' we go to war. However, everything we do is an attempt to position America's influence and seek a benefit...or why else fight. If we actually fought wars to solely save the oppressed we would be in Africa and probably BANKRUPT! (Traditional Democrats and Republicans know this game...its the fringes that don't get how geo-politics works, if anythin at all).

The 'War on Drugs' had nothing to do with a fear to protect America from the evils of drugs. Just like the Iraq War had nothing to do with WMD's or fighting for Judeo-Christian values. We fought those battles for one central idea: SECURE UNITED STATES HEGEMONY & CONTROL, TO ENSURE FREE MARKET PROXIES & ALLIES, AND ENSURE OUR EMPIRE WINS. What do you think our country did with the massive amounts of cash and drugs we seized coming from Mexico and South America...burn it?

We should all know not to listen to our televisions, of course the President will sell a push to the masses without all the facts in place, or state the true reasons for an action. Don't be so naive. The President of the United States is essentially the CEO of the greatest empire to exist, so far. Not to mention, hopefully not a suprise to you, but not all the 300 million or so Americans are very bright or can handle complex geopolitical manuevering. How well do you think a President would be if he explained the REAL reasons he was doing a policy a certain way? The masses can't handle the truth, so they fib. Left and Right are guilty of this, however this is how it is done.

The GOP messed up after the fall of communism. At that time we needed to draw back the mechanisms we put in place to defeat the USSR. Unfortunately, Bush the First did not draw back the Fed, and that was our chance. As a result we were given Clinton. The policies of the 80's made the boom and growth of the 90's possible. If it weren't for the Republican Revolution in 1994 led by Gingrich, the Boom would have NEVER occurred. The technology & the economic growth are all connected to our military spending, capitalist push against communism, and beneficial corporate and individual tax adjustments that often require 8-10 years to truly take hold. It was also very unfortunate that Clinton and the Dems decided to force banks and lenders to offer loans and mortgages to people they knew could not truly afford them. No suprise than the housing bubble and banking industry collapsing within 10 years of that LIBERAL idea.

So, go ahead and thank Reagan today for what he and the fiscal cons did. Secured America has the perennial power for generations. We won the chess game. Currently, there is no one even close to competing with the influence this country has. We need to ensure it stays that way.