Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Real Choice -- Real Responsibility

This is an Edit and Update of an original article I wrote

A Fiscal Conservative on Choice

I hear a lot of people talk about Choice...their Freedom of Choice, their misnomer Pro-Choice, their misguided Choice, their un-American Choice. Most I observe, or talk to, seem to have such passionate feelings about their Choice. I wonder if they even know what it means. The ‘pro-choice’ sect sells it as personal freedom. This is nothing but a rouse, perpetuating the national endorsement of irresponsibility and pure selfishness.

In America...

We all make choices everyday. Some are very significant cognitive choices and many insignificant to the conscious mind. For example, I have a choice to go out and get wasted. I also have a choice to get in my car and drive home. If I hurt myself or God forbid anyone else, I do not get to raise a defense that I wasn't ready to deal with this decision. I will be responsible; I don't get a do over.

The ability to choose the right path when faced with a fork in the road does little to define the human character. It is natural to choose, many animals choose. The mark of the individual is their ability to recognize the right choice. Unfortunately, our kind has proven we more often recognize and justify the wrong choice. However, we have the wonderful ability to learn from our past choice. This makes us better, this makes us stronger, and this makes us evolve.

Like most, actually everybody (except Obama, he is perfect, do not question his glory), I have made many wrong choices in my life. I made a choice to max out my credit cards, and take out massive loans so I could attend law school. Even if I am not ready to deal with the consequences of those choices...In America I am responsible. There is no easy way out. Like a Bailout. Well, we could just create a Constitutional interpretation and abort irresponsibility. It is only fair…I was not ready.

We are living in a time when it seems everyone is looking for the easy way out. Our banks, auto industry and idiots who bought more house than they could afford want someone else to bail them out. Our choices are no longer personal; they are now society's problems. A country based on individual freedom can not exist with a current situation like this in America. We are losing any and all sense of personal responsibility and self-respect. Work ethic and individual ambition are becoming foreign to the rule of entitlement. Whether it’s from the government or society; nothing is owed to us in life, NOTHING. We are all responsible for ourselves.

The left – purveyors of misguided Choice, free love, and a denigrated generation

We have I lot Choices in this country. One of those choices is to have sex. We all know, we have known since sex education in elementary school, where babies come from. Here is a Life opinion from a secular fiscal conservative. This debate is much simpler than religion v. choice. It comes down to taking responsibility for our actions.

When a woman and a man CHOOSE to have sex, EVERYONE knows that a possible outcome of that choice is a child. This is where the choice lies. Everyone knowingly accepts all responsibility for this Choice. (Outside of rape/incest) The choice no longer exists after the act is done...it was already made. It is that simple. All choices have an outcome, whether it is a negative or a positive, and it is never a negative when a life is created. If a woman and a man are not ready for the responsibility than choose Adoption. Or, here’s an idea…keep your pants on. The argument that the state can't take care of these children or foster care has problems or some kids don't get adopted is MERE speculation at the time of choosing Adoption or taking a stand and raising the LIFE you created. Abortion is a getting out of jail free card. The selfish way out. Carrying the child for 9 months is the outcome of the initial choice to have sex in the first place. Be a human, a responsible human, and deal with the choices you have made.

Last summer I did not think I was near ready to be a father. I did not think I was near ready to be a husband. I had two years of law school left. Student loans higher than most of you reading this will ever make in one year of work. I had a plan and at the time a child was not part of it. I still chose to have a relationship with someone I loved more than anything in the world. We could have waited but we are young and we made the Choices we made. Regardless, I knew what could happen by making this choice. And yes, In July I found out that I was going to be a father. And yes, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I mean a child was not part of my plans. I realized at that moment, whatever my selfish self-serving plans were for my life have now changed. I was going to be a father. Then, that August we went to the Doctor...I heard and saw my son for the first time. I heard and saw his heart beating. He was 8 weeks old...THIS IS NOT A CHOICE ANYMORE...NOT A CHOICE...this was my son. My personal plans are out the window, they do not matter, and my son is now my plan, being a great father is my job.

I am not a medical doctor, a scientist, or hold myself out to be an expert on human reproduction. However, the argument that an embryo or fetus is not a child until a certain point in gestation is truly ridiculous. Yes, I concede an embryo could not exist outside the womb on its own without the proper development. (Many Americans can not exist outside the womb independently without assistance or further development…they must not be human either). The point is the embryo, the fetus, the child, THE LIFE is human, and it was created when mother and father came together.

For those who see a Life as a burden or a negative consequence then please don't have sex. You know, we all know life happens. It really makes me sick that Abortion is used as another form of contraception, and a pseudo-Bailout for the irresponsible. Yes, a child will change your social life. Yes, a child will change your career or educational goals. Life is difficult at times; it should make your resolve stronger. If you are too weak you are a poor excuse for a human, and you shouldn't have sex in the first place. If you can not take responsibility for your actions, you should not be reproducing. Your gene pool is weak! I mean it.

Sex is the choice...the Child is not.

Deal with the choices you make.